Is it possible to build a web application that really fits people needs? Of course you can: to know what people need you must ask them.
This is how the idea of
WorkOutLoud - a new product built with
ruby on rails - was born.
WorkOutLoud will share its construction process on the web with the users.
Do you want to know
what WorkOutLoud is all about?
Hi everybody,
today I'm thinking about what functionality to include in WorkOutLoud, and it's a good idea to begin reminding myself of the main goal of this Web app.
Goal: "Working ... finally!", which means "Working well" or "Improving productivity to have more spare time".
People will use WorkOutLoud primarily because they want to be more concentrated on their job during work hours. Even if this could seem obvious, most of us know that it's not easily realized. Colleagues, email, and now social networking too, can become a productivity killer.
Let's go to the list of functions I'm evaluating to include in WorkOutLoud - hopefully with your contribution:
- Let people fill out their Work Log. This is the main functionality of the entire system, and it consists of a micro blogging channel. Users trace their working activity, leaving others to access that information (Q: public or regulated by a granting system?!)
- Allow people to create To-do lists
- Let them publishing small messages on a public and/or private Bulletin Board
- Allow people to send Sync Messages to others inside the system (probably the messages would have to pop up instantaneously)
- Provide a deadly simple tool to create small Notes or Memos
- A built in Live Chat to allow people to attend remote meetings
I would like to have suggestions and opinions from all of you. The list above represents a first sketch just for discussion, and some could be eliminated as could be overlap. The functionalities listed are probably excessive and 2 or 3 modules could be enough. Does the list include all the tools people really need to stay productive?
Probably version 1 of this application will only have the first module, the Work Log. Everything else could be added thereafter.
Note: I'm thinking to use the work "klog" to refer to the Work Log (as Web Log has becoming "blog")
Let me know what you think, comments are welcome :)
posted by Massimo Sgrelli