Is it possible to build a web application that really fits people needs? Of course you can: to know what people need you must ask them. This is how the idea of WorkOutLoud - a new product built with ruby on rails - was born. WorkOutLoud will share its construction process on the web with the users.
Do you want to know what WorkOutLoud is all about?

Details matters, always

A few mounts ago I had to manage one hour speech about the actual role of the designer in a web agency like Wave Factory. As many before me, I found a quote about Charles Eames that states:
The details are not the details. They make the design.
I strongly believe this is the essence of making a good design and a good project in general. Details have to be projected, observed and discussed. Details are not just a matter of aesthetics, they actually determine the success or the failure of your initiative. 

For example, looking at Work Log module, I show on the screen the activity log of the last 3 days, but I know the it's important for the user to be quickly focused on today activities. So, today activities are black and other days activities are gray:

 Moreover, Today is labeled in yellow, so that user could be quickly driven to that list.

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