Is it possible to build a web application that really fits people needs? Of course you can: to know what people need you must ask them. This is how the idea of WorkOutLoud - a new product built with ruby on rails - was born. WorkOutLoud will share its construction process on the web with the users.
Do you want to know what WorkOutLoud is all about?

The first design of the entire application flow

WorkOutLoud design is going to get its final shape. I reviewed many things along the way, but now I'm quite satisfied of the final result. I have four main areas designed:
  • Worklog
  • Memos
  • To do lists
  • Profile
Projecting the entire flow is a way to begin understanding if everything is consistent and useful. You fix the UI metaphors and conventions once and for all, you check that what you are going to develop is really something you need.
Today watching a video of Jason Fried speaking at Business of Software 2008 convention, I heard exactly the same thing. He said something like "Always be questioning your work!", which means don't solve imaginary problems and ask yourself "Is it useful or just cool?". That's why you need to watch the user interface of your application before to start coding.
You must be really convinced that what you conceived solves real problems.

Now it's time to show you what I have done right now:

this is the entry point of the application. People share their work log and watch others.

this is the main view of Memo, in which you can store short memos, notes or ideas.

this is another view of Memo page, the one you get when you click "Create a new memo" link.

this is the first draft for To Do List module. After having used for a while other to do list applications I decided that they are really useful to get your activities under control. I'm not actually completely sure I will include this functionality in the application; in the future I could decide to integrate WorkOutLoud with a third party to do list application.

this is the personal profile of the user presently logged on.

I'm not sure that what I designed will all be part of the real application, but finally now I can create WorkOutLoud code, starting from HTML/CSS basic template. The very first version of this application will include only the Worklog facility, so there's plenty of time to go back and rethink the product modules.

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