Is it possible to build a web application that really fits people needs? Of course you can: to know what people need you must ask them. This is how the idea of WorkOutLoud - a new product built with ruby on rails - was born. WorkOutLoud will share its construction process on the web with the users.
Do you want to know what WorkOutLoud is all about?

Is Juggernaut the right choice?

I'm thinking about WorkOutLoud application architecture: it should be pretty simple, except for the weblog updates deployment to the clients (people browsers). The plain solution to this need could be to adopt a polling strategy through simple Javascript functions. Of course this is not the most efficient solution to the problem. The best choice could be to use a push server architecture, and among the various options I could find on the Internet, Juggernaut is the best I've found. I read about Juggernaut at the beginning of 2008, but after having attended to the RailsConf Europe 2008 in Berlin, I understood what its potential actually is. This framework has been created by Alex MacCaw, a brilliant and very young guy from UK I had the pleasure to meet in Berlin last September. 
The real advantage Juggernaut has compared to other solutions is that it is based on EventMachine - which scales pretty well thanks to its non-blocking IO architecture - and that it has a small but effective Flash component on the browser to manage connections to the server. This solution avoids many problems in terms of browser compatibility.
To confirm Juggernaut as the right push server for WorkOutLoud, I'm only looking for some data under heavy load. I know theoretically it has to scale quite well, but I would be happy to read something about other people experience. Unfortunately Google couldn't help me to much: it seems that not so many people have used it in production environments.

Any good article to suggest me?

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